David Bertone, PT, DPT, OCS, owner of db Orthopedic Physical Therapy was nominated by Governor Chris Christie for a 2nd 3 year term as a member of the NJ Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (NJBPTE). Dr. Bertone will need to be confirmed by the NJ Senate prior to starting the next term.
PT as effective as surgery for spinal stenosis – read article by Dr. Moczerniuk
Read article published in today’s greater media newspapers.
PT as effective as surgery for spinal stenosis – Moczerniuk 5.15
Watch the latest segment of our TV show – “You and Your Health”
Dr. David Bertone hosts You and Your Health on Old Bridge Public television. Â This segment is with guest Dr. Jeff Van Gelderan, MD who is an orthopedic surgeon and discusses common recreational injuries for the spring and summer athletes.
New research proves that PT is just as effective as surgery for Spinal Stenosis
This high level randomized control trial looked at the effectiveness of PT vs spinal decompression surgery and found the results to be very similar. Â Save yourself the pain and cost by seeing a physical therapist first!
Ankle sprain may lead to balance and chronic pain – article in News Transcript 4.8.15
Dr. Jerry Moczerniuk, PT, DPT published an article in Greater Media Newspapers about Ankle Sprains and how it may lead to balance and chronic pain.
Read the story published in today’s paper about our AlterG antigravity treadmill
Youth hockey study suggests early marker for concussion damage – http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-02/uov-yhb020515.php
Coming Soon…
Meniscal tear surgery may lead to early osteoarthritis?
Read article published in today’s Greater Media Newspaper written by Jerry Moczerniuk, PT, DPT, Clinical Director of the Manalapan office. Â Dr. Moczerniuk discusses the risk factors associated with having knee surgery.
“My child has a concussion – now what do I do?” Published in Jersey Sports News 1.28.15
JSN – Child has a Concussion article and ad 1.28.15
Register your child for our baseline testing program now by CLICKING HERE
AARP supports elimination of in-office ancillary exception of physical therapy!
AARP put the weight of it’s membership behind supporting legislation to eliminate the loophole that allows in-office ancillary services exception for physical therapy to be performed in physician offices. Â This is purely being done for financial gain and is not a convenience issue. Â The savings to the nation’s healthcare system will be in the billions if this loophole is eliminated!
Read the letter by AARP President
Read article published in Greater Media Newspapers – Physical Therapy is not just rehabilitation, it also prevents injuries.
Jerry Moczerniuk, PT, DPT contributed an article to Greater Media Newspapers that describes the many benefits of physical therapy and our role in prevention.
Read about Low Back Pain in High School Athletes
Dr. David Bertone, PT, DPT, OCS had an article published in Greater Media Newspaper about the common causes of low back pain in high school athletes. Â Click Here to read the story.