db Ortho PT gets voted Best Physical Therapy practice!
See yet another positive review from one of our former patients!
ConcussionRXcare receives Trademark approval!
Read article published in today’s News Transcript by Dr. Moczerniuk – Prevent injuries with Physical Therapy
Baseline Concussion Testing price increase effective May 1, 2016
Baseline Concussion Testing for athletes 10 years of age and older will be effected by a price increase on May 1, 2016. Â The price will go from $29.95 to $39.95 to cover additional administrative costs for providing a 3 phase test of Balance, neurocognitive and oculomotor testing and free post injury testing with reports to your physician for 1 year from the date of testing.
Read article published in Greater Media Newspapers today about Direct Access to Physical Therapy services
Direct access can save healthcare dollars!
CDC now recommends OTC medication and PHYSICAL THERAPY for chronic pain – Not opioids
New Concussion Baseline Testing video!
Have you seen our latest video on Facebook? Â The video outlines our ConcussionRXcare Baseline Testing program. Â https://youtu.be/cygqC33tn9E
Read how Knee Osteoarthritis responds well to supervised exercise by Dr. Jerry Moczerniuk, PT, DPT
Published in Feb 3, 2016 edition of Greater Media Newspapers
Why you can STOP doing sit-ups – read article published in the Wall Street Journal
Click here to read the article in Wall Street Journal
Interested in a sample dynamic trunk stabilization program to prevent Low Back Pain? Â See the following sample: ((Disclaimer – you should consult with your physical therapist or physician before starting any exercise program. Â Consider calling one of our offices to get an evaluation prior to beginning).