Dry Needling

1s Dry Needling Right For You?

Dry Needling, a technique offered by certified experts like db Ortho PT, is a therapeutic approach that can help alleviate pain and improve muscle function. Here’s how it works and its potential benefits

Targeting Trigger Points: Dry needling involves inserting thin, sterile needles into myofascial trigger points – knots in the muscle that are often the source of pain and tension.

Muscle Relaxation: The Stimulation caused by the needle helps release tension in the muscle fibers, leading to relaxation and improved mobility.

Enhanced Blood Flow: The process can increase blood circulation to the affected area, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.

Neuromuscular Reset: It can help reset muscle activity by calming overactive nerves or reactivating inhibited ones.

Heal Chronic Tendon Injuries: over time tendons can develop mechanical damage from repetitive stress and strain. Research now shows that many of these common problems are not imflammatory (tendonitis) but chronic degenerative tendon changes (tendinopathy). Dry needling for chronic tension injuries has been shown to disrupt the generative process, cause micro bleeding to stimulate inflammatory healing cells and increases local growth factors and other substances to promote healing. This can be used for rotator cuff tendinopathy, tennis elbow, Achilles and patella tendinopathy to name a few. Sometimes Ultrasound is used to guide the needle precisely into the diseased tendon to further enhance the response.

David Bertone, PT, DPT, OCS

Doctor of Physical Therapy and Owner of db Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist
NJ License# 40QA00442600

Dennis “Dennie” Waite, PT, DPT, CSCS

NJ License #: NJ40QA01863400

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